How To Cope With Work From Home Anxiety

mimi thian

5 Must-Read Tips Everyone Working From Home Should Know

Working from home can be great. You can take conference calls in your PJ’s, sleep in a bit later, and have more time in the mornings to make yourself breakfast or sit down with a cup of coffee. But working from home has proven to be anxiety and depression-inducing for a large group of people. If you’re experiencing symptoms of anxiety due to working from home, check out these tips to help relieve those symptoms.

1. Establish A Routine

Without a routine, it’s easy to become sluggish, sleep more, fall behind, or all of the above. Put in place a simple, daily routine with action items such as:

  • Create to-do list for important tasks
  • Take a walk
  • Sit down for a meal without electronics

2. Give Yourself You Time

Working from home has actually caused people to work a lot more because they can’t escape their work! A lot of employees are waking up, logging on, working all day and into the night. It’s important to not over exert yourself during this time and to listen to your body.

  • Make sure you’re getting enough sleep
  • Try not to sit down for extensive periods of time
  • Make sure you’re taking the time to eat properly and not just snacking at your laptop

Your health should also be a priority!

3. Physical Distance- Not Social Distance

Even if you can’t be with people physically, it’s important to still socialize with others. Being home 24/7 can feel extremely isolating, which can definitely trigger anxiety. Here are some easy ways to socialize with others:

  • Video chats for your meetings at work
  • Call your friends or family during breaks
  • Have a “virtual happy hour” with your team

4. Asking For Help

Working from home can be extremely difficult, so communicating your needs to your household is really important. For those who have children and don’t have access to daycare centers right now, it can be especially difficult. If your current work set-up isn’t working, communicate your feelings and concerns with whoever you share a living space with instead of hoping they will catch on to your feelings. This will allow you to discuss options for moving forward to help reduce the stress and anxiety you feel.

5. Stay Organized

Create a space that is specifically designated for work. We know it’s really tempting to answer emails from bed, but ultimately it may encourage feelings of anxiety because the place that you sleep also becomes the place that you work. This may make it even more difficult for you to sleep at night.

It can also make it hard to get motivated for work and easier to slack off if you don’t have a designated work area. Keeping work and relaxation areas separate will ultimately help to reduce anxiety and also stay productive.

Although the majority of people have some type of anxiety, working from home can worsen triggers, make you feel like your anxiety has gotten worse. If you or a loved one are suffering from anxiety, contact Life Adjustment Team and see how we can help you manage your mental health today.

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4551 Glencoe Avenue, Suite 255
Marina del Rey, CA 90292

The Life Adjustment Team provides effective in-home structure and support systems that empower patients to live stable, active and productive lives using evidence-based treatment concepts for successful rehabilitation and recovery.

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