Celebrating 48 Years of Transforming Lives!

Celebrating 48 Years of Transforming Lives!

What Are Wraparound Mental Health Services?

A family in therapy with their daughter to show support.

Wraparound mental health services are a comprehensive, integrated approach to providing holistic, youth and family-centered care when children and youth experience serious mental health or behavioral challenges. This strategy puts the child or youth and their family at the center of the decision-making process, with a team of mental health professionals and resources to help guide and support them. The family’s ideas and input about what they need and what will be helping drive the work in wraparound so that the entire family can have the best possible outcome.

Wraparound services are typically provided by a team of healthcare professionals and natural supports, such as family members, teachers, friends, or community members who work together to create a customized plan for the family’s specific needs and goals. Our wraparound services include counseling, therapy, medication management, case management, skill building, and more. The team works together to ensure access to the needed services while providing guidance and support at every step.

Benefits of Wraparound Services

Wraparound services can be incredibly beneficial for children and youth experiencing serious mental health or behavioral challenges. There are several benefits to this approach, including the following:

  • A holistic approach to mental health and behavioral support: Wraparound services are designed to help families address the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of their children, as well as their own mental health needs. This approach is often referred to as “multi-systemic” because it considers the multiple systems that may be impacting the child or family, such as the school, healthcare, and social services systems. By utilizing this approach, families can get the comprehensive support they need to make positive changes in their children’s lives.
  • A family-friendly program: One of the key components of wraparound services is the family’s involvement in the process. A family-centered approach drives wraparound by considering each family’s unique needs and circumstances and listening to their thoughts and concerns about what will be helpful to them. This means that their input is taken into account, and their voice is heard throughout the wraparound process.
  • Team-oriented strategies: The foundation of wraparound service lies in the collaboration between the team of healthcare experts and natural supports already in place in a child or youth’s life. In addition to mental health professionals, this team may include natural supporting figures such as family members, teachers, or friends. Together with the family, the team develops a plan based on their unique needs and goals. There are various resources available as part of this plan, including counseling, therapy, medication management, skill development, and case management.

Why Wraparound Care Works

Wraparound is not simply a process that looks good on paper. It’s a long-term plan that requires a solid commitment to relationship-building and the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical needs of an individual and their family. Wraparound programs have been repeatedly proven to be a practical and cost-effective approach, not just for people with disabilities but for their families and loved ones.

Wraparound services can benefit many mental health concerns like anxiety, depression, trauma, substance abuse, and more. By providing a comprehensive and integrated approach to care, wraparound services can help to ensure that the child or youth and their family have the resources they need to manage their mental health condition.

Despite its success, wraparound is not a magic cure—it can’t always solve every mental health problem. But it does offer a way to see the potential for a better, healthier, and more effective future.

Wraparound Services That Fit Your Mental Health Needs

When it comes to accessing wraparound services, there are several different options. Depending on where you live, you can get help from a local mental health agency that can refer you to wraparound services in your area. Another option is to contact your insurance provider to see if they cover quality wraparound services. Additionally, some schools may offer wraparound services and assistance, or you can contact a mental health provider directly.

For more information about our California wraparound mental health services, call Life Adjustment Team today!

Help us match you to the right program

It’s important to have a program that meets your unique needs and helps you establish a personal connection. The following questions are designed to match you with the right program at Life Adjustment Team based on your needs and personal preferences.

4551 Glencoe Avenue, Suite 255
Marina del Rey, CA 90292

The Life Adjustment Team provides effective in-home structure and support systems that empower patients to live stable, active and productive lives using evidence-based treatment concepts for successful rehabilitation and recovery.

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